With spring begins what is known as: definition stage. After weeks in the “bulking stage,” it’s time to shape...
BestExerciseTips is a blog specialized in Fitness, Health, Training, Gym Guides, Exercise Guide and sports nutrition routines, here you can find everything you need to know to achieve your fitness goals. From Our mission is to disseminate knowledge aimed to promote healthy lifestyle habits focused on physical activity.
With the current situation that we are living with the coronavirus, doing sports at home is the...
The downward facing dog pose, more technically known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, is one of the most classic poses used in...
During the bulking phase we have several strategies to gain muscle in a healthy way, including muscle pumping exercises. These...
If you have been training for some time, you will already know that even if you have...
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. This is due to the little bone support that...
Without any doubt, it can be said that yoga is one of the most popular practices in recent decades. Any...
The Yoga is an ancient discipline that seeks balance between body and mind, and it has evolved to offer...
Zumba and Pilates are two of the most popular activities that most gyms offer us, and it...
Currently, due to office work and sedentary forms of leisure such as television and video games, many people...