The downward facing dog pose, more technically known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, is one of the most classic poses used in...
Tips & Tricks
During the bulking phase we have several strategies to gain muscle in a healthy way, including muscle pumping exercises. These...
The Yoga is an ancient discipline that seeks balance between body and mind, and it has evolved to offer...
Zumba and Pilates are two of the most popular activities that most gyms offer us, and it...
Surely you have heard of the hip flexors, a very important muscular compendium for a balance and balance between upper and lower...
The yoga is the result of a set of concentration techniques that aim to achieve good mental and physical control. It is...
The practice of yoga has become very fashionable today, and these stretches that connect body and mind are the solution to...
Gain flexibility and balance, eliminate stress, improve posture or strengthen the core. Whatever your goal, regular yoga...
Would you like to tone your inner train? The GAP is the perfect exercise to achieve these results. Through different activities focused...
The technical implementation is very important in a lot of sports and physical disciplines, but when it comes to swimming , their...